Saturday, September 3, 2011

600 Minutes Accomplished!

Thus ends the first week of my new dare.

I'm going to continue with this for two more weeks. I think that will bring me to the end of the book. The goal seems just about right to keep me productive while still handling everything else in my life.

600 Minutes a week means 90 minutes a day on every day except Wednesday (which is my long day) when I'll do 60.

After that I will take a short break and then finally get back to the next Mick and Casey. (Actually probably several Mick and Casey's -- although most will be shorter works.) The book I'm working on -- DEVIL IN A BLUE BUSTLE -- may well turn out to be a short novel. It's already novella length and I realize that some of the things it's missing could expand it quite a bit, plus leave a lot of nice opportunities for Mick to get himself into trouble.

See you in the funny papers.

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